Steiner, Barbara
The Cry of the Loon A Samantha Mystery
Kinder und Jugend

Dieses Medium ist verfügbar.

Serie / Reihe: American Girl

Personen: Steiner, Barbara

Interessenkreis: Englisch Englischsprachig ab 11 Jahren

J E Ame

Steiner, Barbara:
The Cry of the Loon : A Samantha Mystery / Barbara Steiner : American Girl Publishing, 2009. - 181 S.; ill. - (American Girl; .). - Samantha can´t wait to take Nellie to Piney Point, Grandmarys summer home in the mountains. Samantha is sure Nellie will love the lodge as much as she does. But the girls arrive to find Piney Point plagued with accidents - and Grandmary thinking of selling. Smantha and Nellie have to firgure out what´s going on befor they lose Piney Point forever!
ISBN 978-1-59369-480-7

Zugangsnummer: 0016159001 - Barcode: 00054580
J E - Kinder und Jugend