Putney, Justin
Creating a Responsive Presentation in HTML5

Follow along with author Justin Putney as he uses open technologies (HTML5, jQuery, and CSS) to create a dynamic presentation slideshow that responds to mobile and desktop layouts. Learn to customize the slideshow to fit your next project, and to display artwork, photography, and other kinds of content. Discover how to structure the HTML and slide content; design the navigation to react to clicks, keyboard input, and swipe gestures; and use CSS to customize the slide display for different screens and animated transitions. Justin also includes a series of challenge-and-solution pairs to test your skills. Then, when you're ready, watch the HTML5 Projects: Creating an Advanced Responsive Presentation follow-up course to enhance your web presentation slides with audio, video, and an automatic playback feature.

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Personen: Putney, Justin

Putney, Justin:
Creating a Responsive Presentation in HTML5 : LinkedIn, 2013. - 01:24:58.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505346810
Signatur: eLearning - eMedium