In the Narrative Portraiture series, photographer and teacher Chris Orwig explores how to use location and natural light to create images that tell stories about their subjects and produce a strong emotional connection. In this installment, Chris travels to Texas to visit two artists: David Cargill, a Beaumont sculptor who works with bronze and marble, and Charles Stagg, another Beaumont sculptor but in recycled and found materials. Chris takes their portraits and spends time discussing the composition and lighting in each session. Chris also reviews the photos he took, and discusses the gear he used and the lessons he learned while visiting with and photographing these artists.
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Personen: Orwig, Chris Orwig, Chris
Orwig, Chris:
Narrative Portraiture: Portraits of Two Texas Artists : LinkedIn, 2012. - 01:29:41.00
Signatur: eLearning - eMedium