Ross, Aaron F.
Learning Maya nCloth 2012

Take an in-depth look at nCloth, the Maya toolkit for simulating high-resolution mesh cloth for 3D characters and animations. Author Aaron F. Ross explains the roles played by the various "actors" in an nCloth simulation, including the nucleus solver, nCloth objects, passive colliders, and nConstraints. The course begins with basic simulations such as flags and ropes, then progresses to building a simple garment, until finally integrating animation and special effects like falling leaves and tearing cloth. Aaron also covers performance optimization techniques such as nCloth and nucleus solver settings, proxy objects, collision layers, the Wrap deformer, and more.

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Personen: Ross, Aaron F.

Ross, Aaron F.:
Learning Maya nCloth 2012 : LinkedIn, 2012. - 03:26:54.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505235096
Signatur: eLearning -