Table 19 Liebe ist fehl am Platz

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Personen: Duplass, Mark Roberts, Mark (FilmproduzentIn¬) Blitz, Jeffrey (DrehbuchautorIn¬) Dana, Jennifer P. (FilmproduzentIn¬) Duplass, Jay

Schlagwörter: Komödie Hochzeit Geheimnisse

Interessenkreis: Liebe

Table 19 : Liebe ist fehl am Platz / produced by P. Jennifer Dana, Mark Roberts, Shawn Levy, Dan Cohen ; story by Mark Duplass & Jay Duplass and Jeffrey Blitz ; screenplay by Jeffrey Blitz ; directed by Jeffrey Blitz ; music: John Swihart ; editor: Yana Gorskaya ; director of . - [USA] : Fox, 2017. - 1 DVD-Video (approximatley 87 min) : sound, color. - Originally released as a motion picture in 2017. Zielgruppe - MPAA rating: PG-13; for thematic elements, sexual content, drug use, language and some brief nudity, CHV rating: PG
Audio: English. Subtitles: English for the hearing impaired
: EUR 13,04

Zugangsnummer: 0016204001 - Barcode: 1000160763
DVDs Erwachsene - Signatur: DVD 51 - DVDs