Donohoe, Kevin J.
Neu Case-based nuclear medicine

Comprehensive coverage of everything from single photon emission computed tomography to PET/CT imagingCases presented as unknowns enable readers to develop their own differential diagnoses just like on the examOver 400 high-resolution images, including full-color PET/CT and cardiac scintigraphic images, document the casesNumerous tips, tricks, pearls, and pitfalls highlight key points at the end of each chapter

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Personen: Abbeele, Annick van den Donohoe, Kevin J.

Standort: Klinik Buch

Schlagwörter: Atlas Nuklearmedizin Szintigraphie

YR 1628 D687-01 (2)

Donohoe, Kevin J. [Verfasser]:
Case-based nuclear medicine / Kevin J. Donohoe ; Annick van den Abbeele. - 2., Auflage. - New York : Thieme, 2011. - 580 Seiten : Illustrationen, graphische Darstellungen
ISBN 978-1-58890-652-6 kartoniert : EUR 103,45

Zugangsnummer: 00016304 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00029215-3
Medizinische Radiologie, Nuklearmedizin, bildgebende Verfahren - Buch