GeroPsych 2017 - Ausgabe Heft 03 the journal of gerontopsychology and geriatric psychiatry

Networks of Depression and Cognition in Elderly Psychiatric Patients

Improving Comprehension in Written Medical Informed Consent Procedures

Dispositional and Situational Emotion Regulation in Younger and Older Adults

Physical Activity and Depressive Mood in the Daily Life of Older Adults

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Serie / Reihe: 30. Jahrgang

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Gerontopsychologie Gerontologie Geriatrie Altersforschung older adults elderly psychiatric patients dispositional emotion regulation situational emotion regulation physical activity depressive mood

CL 2017-25

GeroPsych 2017 - Ausgabe Heft 03 : the journal of gerontopsychology and geriatric psychiatry. - Göttingen : Hogrefe, 2017. - Seite 89-129. - (30. Jahrgang; Heft 03)
ISSN 16629647 : EUR 56.00

Zugangsnummer: 00008651 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00005883-4
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Zeitschriftenheft