Spector, Aimee
Making a difference an evidence-based group programme to offer maintenance cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) to people with dementia ; the manual for group leaders

An evidence-based group programme to offer cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) to people with dementia. This manual is for people who want to make a difference to the quality of life of the people with dementia they are working with. It describes a specific programme of group activity and stimulation, grounded firmly in the values of person-centred care and suitable for use with many people with dementia.

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Personen: Spector, Aimee

Standort: RÜD

Schlagwörter: Demenz Therapie Stimulationstherapie cognitive stimulation therapy CST Gruppenprogramm

YH 5411 S741-a-01

Spector, Aimee [Verfasser]:
Making a difference : an evidence-based group programme to offer maintenance cognitive stimulation therapy (CST) to people with dementia ; the manual for group leaders / Aimee Spector. - London : Hawker Publications Ltd, 2006. - 48 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-874790-78-5 kartoniert : EUR 16.80

Zugangsnummer: 00005688 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00001067-2
Psychiatrie, Medizinische Psychologie - Buch