Inside Self-Regulated Learning. Measuring and Predicting Intraindividual and Interindividual Variation in Self-Regulated Learning over time
Mind the Gap! Unmet Time Schedules Predict University Students Negative Affect during the Examination Phase
Incrmental Validity of Online Over OFfline Reports of Volitional Control in Prediciting Learning Success
How Conscientiousness and Neuroticism Affect Academic Procrastination.Mediated by Motivational Regulation?
Daily FLuctuations in Motivation. A Longitudinal Diary Study Over an Entire Semester at University.
Weiterführende Informationen
Serie / Reihe: 51. Jahrgang
Standort: RÜD
CL 2019-53
Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie 2019 - Ausgabe Heft 04. - Göttingen : Hogrefe, 2019. - 184-244 Seiten. - (51. Jahrgang; Heft 04)
ISSN 0049-8637 Festeinband : EUR 53.00
Zeitschriften der Psychologie - Zeitschriftenheft