Measuring and modeling persons and situations

Measuring and Modeling Persons and Situations presents major innovations and contributions on the topic, promoting deeper integration, cross-pollination of ideas across diverse academic disciplines, and the facilitation of the development of practical applications such as matching people to jobs, understanding decision making, and predicting how a group of individuals will interact with one another. The book is organized around two overarching and interrelated themes, with the first focusing on assessing the person and the situation, covering methodological advances and techniques for inferring and measuring characteristics, and showing how they can be instantiated for measurement and predictive purposes.

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Personen: Wood, Dustin Slaughter, Andrew Harms, Peter D. Read, Stephen J.

Standort: HMU-BIB-Psych.

Schlagwörter: Situations Modeling Persons

Interessenkreis: Ausbildung

CR 7000 W874-01 (1)

Measuring and modeling persons and situations / edited by Dustin Wood, Stephen J. Read, P.D. Harms, Andrew Slaughter. - 1. Auflage. - London : Academic Press, 2021. - 732
ISBN 978-0-12-819200-9 Broschur : 147,00 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 00011091 - Barcode: 2-9445191-5-00014178-9
Differentielle Psychologie (Persönlichkeitspsychologie) - Buch