News- Information- Discussion on Ecumenical Learning Christian education...belongs to the whole church

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Serie / Reihe: EEF - NET EEF- NET

Personen: Appiah, Eveline

Schlagwörter: Kirchliche Bildungsarbeit Erziehungswissenschaft Religiöse Erziehung Glaubenserziehung Ökumenische Erziehung Ökumenisches Lernen


News- Information- Discussion on Ecumenical Learning : Christian education...belongs to the whole church / Edited by the Education and Ecumenical Formation Team of the World Council of Churches. - Geneva : World Concil of Churches, 1999. - 24 S. - (EEF - NET) - (EEF- NET; 1/99)

Zugangsnummer: 0009267001 - Barcode: 00017732
H/II k - ZS