Daly, Judy
Six Blind Mice and an Elephant

One day a tired old elephant plods out of the forest and falls asleep in a farmer's barn. Amid the ensuing commotion, six curious blind mice enter the fray:

'... An elephant is like a wall,' says the oldest mouse, as he falls against the elephant's massive, solid side. 'No,' says a younger mouse, touching one of the sharp tusks. 'An elephant is like a spear!'

A tree... a rope... a snake? Each mouse has his or her own interpretation after touching different parts of the elephant. But then the huge creature awakes - and only then is the full wonder of his being revealed.

Based on a classic Indian fable, Jude Daly's new picture book, set in the South African countryside, is an inspiring, multi-layered allegory.

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Personen: Daly, Judy

Standort: Hauptstelle

Schlagwörter: Englisch Maus Elefant Bilderbuch Englisch für Kinder

Interessenkreis: Englisch

I J 82

Daly, Judy:
Six Blind Mice and an Elephant. - Hereford : Otter-Barry-Books, 2017. - 32 Seiten, überwiegend Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-910959-42-8 Festeinband

Zugangsnummer: 1049328001 - Barcode: 00538923
I J 82 - Kinderliteratur