- TACC Annual Greeting 2011 (C. Nongqunga)
- TACC Annual Greeting 2012 (C. Nongqunga)
- TACC Annual Greetings 2011 (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC Annual Greetings 2011 (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC Handling Book and domestic rules (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC Handling Book and domestic rules (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC Mass Choir - Greatest Hits (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC Mass Choir - Greatest Hits (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC National Gospel Group (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC National Gospel Group (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC Officers Handbook (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- TACC Officers Handbook (Twelve Apostles Church in Christ)
- Tag der "Apostolischen Jugend"
- Der Tag des Herrn - Apostolische Sendungskirche (Apostolische Sendungskirche)
- Der Tag, mein Gott, ist nun vergangen (Wolfgang Schuster)
- Der Tag, mein Gott, ist nun vergangen (Wolfgang Schuster)
- Tage der Begegnung - Neuapostolische Kirche Lippe-West
- Tage des Segens in Leipzig (Arthur Köhler)
- Tanr?sal vaadler ve tahakkuklar? (Göttliche Verheißungen und ihre Erfüllung) (Neuapostolische Kirche International)
- Tanrisal vaadler ve tahakkuklari (Yeni Havariyun Apostolik Kilisesi)
- Tanrisal vaadler ve tahakkuklari (Yeni Havariyun Apostolik Kilisesi)
- Tanrisal vaadler ve tahakkuklari (Yeni Havariyun Apostolik Kilisesi)
- Der Tanz der blinden Braut (Henk van Wijk)
- Tanz der Teufel (Colin Wilson)
- Taratibu ya ibada (United Apostolic Church)
- Tatsachen zum Nachdenken für Freidenker und moderne Gottsucher (Heinrich Schunck)
- Tauf-Register der Apostolischen Gemeinde (Apostolische Gemeinschaft)
- Die Taufe mit dem Heiligen Geist (Henry Dalton)
- Te whare karakia o nga Apotoro Kotahitanga - Aotearoa (United Apostolic Church New Zealand)
- tekst der liederen die gezongen zullen worden tijdens het generaal liefdes-appèl in het stadion "De Goffert" te Nijmegen
- Ter Gelegenheid van de 60e verjaardag van onze Stamapostel Hans Urwyler
- Tercera Parte de la Venida del MESIAS en Gloria y Majestad (Manuel Lacunza)
- Testimony of the New Apostolic Church (New Apostolic Church Canada)
- Testimony of the New Apostolic Church (New Apostolic Church Canada)
- Textbook of Questions and Answers (New Apostolic Church of North America)
- Texte aus der Chormappe der Neuapostolischen Kirche (Friedrich Bischoff Verlag)
- Texte aus der Chormappe der Neuapostolischen Kirche (Friedrich Bischoff Verlag)
- Texte zum Apostolischen Liederbuch (Mathias Eberle [Hrsg.])
- Texte zum Apostolischen Liederbuch (Mathias Eberle [Hrsg.])
- Texte zum Apostolischen Liederbuch (Mathias Eberle [Hrsg.])
- Texte zum Apostolischen Liederbuch (Mathias Eberle [Hrsg.])
- The Apostolic Church of Queensland - Bundaberg Community 1890-2015 (Gavin Lerch)
- The Apostolic Church of Queensland - Hymn Book
- The Apostolic Church of Queensland - Hymn Book
- The Apostolic Church of Queensland and Hatton Vale Community Centenary (Apostolic Church of Queensland)
- The Apostolic Church of Queensland and Hatton Vale Community Centenary 1883-1983
- The Book of Psalms
- The Book of Psalms
- The booke of common prayer its making and revisions 1549-1661
- The Carlyles - a biography of Thomas & Jane Carlyle (John Stewart Collis)
- The Catholic Apostolic Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Michaelmas Term)
- The Catholic Apostolic Church and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Michaelmas Term)
- The Catholic Apostolic Church Gordon Square, London - Notes on the Architectural Features and Furniture (J. Malcolm Lickfold)
- The Catholic Apostolic Church Sometimes Called Irvingite (Plato E. Shaw)
- The Catholic Apostolic Church, its History, Organization, Doctrine, and Worship (W. W. Andrews)
- The Catholic Apostolic Church, its History, Organization, Doctrine, and Worship (W. W. Andrews)
- The Catholic Apostolic Eucharist (Kenneth William Stevenson)
- The Celebration Hymnal
- The Celebration Hymnal
- The cherubim of glory (W. J. Bramley-Moore)
- The Church Universal in History (G.C. Lindsay Grant)
- The Collected Writings of Edward Irving - vol 1 (Edward Irving)
- The Collected Writings of Edward Irving - vol 2 (Edward Irving)
- The Collected Writings of Edward Irving - vol 3 (Edward Irving)
- The Collected Writings of Edward Irving - vol 4 (Edward Irving)
- The Collected Writings of Edward Irving - vol 5 (Edward Irving)
- The collected Writings of Edward Irving in five Volumes, VOL I (G. Carlyle)
- The collected Writings of Edward Irving in five Volumes, VOL II (G. Carlyle)
- The collected Writings of Edward Irving in five Volumes, VOL II (G. Carlyle)
- The collected Writings of Edward Irving in five Volumes, VOL III (G. Carlyle)
- The collected Writings of Edward Irving in five Volumes, VOL III (G. Carlyle)
- The collected Writings of Edward Irving in five Volumes, VOL IV (G. Carlyle)
- The collected Writings of Edward Irving in five Volumes, VOL V (G. Carlyle)
- The Compact History of The Twelve Apostles' Church in Christ (C. Nongqunga)
- The Creevey Papers (Herbert Maxwell)
- The Development of the Liturgy and the Origin of its Prayers
- The Diary and Letters of Edward Irving (Barbara Waddington (ed.))
- The Future of the Firstlings (Michael Kraus)
- The Future of the Firstlings (Michael Kraus)
- The Herald - 1963-1970 (Apostolische Gemeinschaft)
- The Herald - 1971-1976 (Apostolische Gemeinschaft)
- The Herald - Jan - Apr 2012 - Vol. 12 - No. 2 (C. Flor)
- The Herald - Jul - Oct 2012 - Vol. 12 - No. 4 (C. Flor)
- The Herald - Oct - Jan 2013 - Vol. 13 - No. 1 (C. Flor)
- The Herald 2001. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2006. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2007. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2008. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2009. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2010. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2011. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2012. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2013. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2015. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2016. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2017. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2019. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2020. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2021. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald 2022. Magazine for The Apostolic Church of Qld. (Northern District)
- The Herald India Mission Oct/Nov 2012 (Apostolic Church of Queensland)
- The Herald Jan-Apr 2013 No 2 (Apostolic Church of Queensland)
- The Herald Jan-Apr 2014 No 2 (Apostolic Church of Queensland)
- The Herald Kenya Mission Trip, July, 2013 (Apostolic Church of Queensland)
- The Herold 2/2012 (Apostolic Church of Queensland)
- The Herold 3/2012 (C. Flor)
- The history and claims of the body of Christians known as The Catholic Apostolic Church (W. W. Andrews)
- The History and Doctrines of Irvingism (vol I) (Edward Miller)
- The History and Doctrines of Irvingism (vol II) (Edward Miller)
- The History and Doctrines of Irvingism. Vol 1 (Edward Miller)
- The History and Doctrines of Irvingism. Vol 2 (Edward Miller)
- The House of Elrig (Gavin Maxwell)
- The House of Elrig (Gavin Maxwell)
- The household of faith - portraits and essays (George W. E. Russell)
- The incredible cover-up (Dave Mac Pherson)
- The Last Days: A discourse on the evil character of these our times (Edward Irving)
- The Life of Edward Irving, Minister of the National Scotch Church, London (M.O.W. Oliphant)
- The Life of Edward Irving, Minister of the National Scotch Church, London. Vol 1 (Oliphant)
- The Life of Edward Irving, Minister of the National Scotch Church, London. Vol 2 (Oliphant)
- The Liturgy and Other Devine Offices of The Church.
- The Liturgy and other Divine Offices of The Church
- The Liturgy and other Divine Offices of The Church
- The Liturgy and other Divine Offices of The Church
- The Liturgy and other Divine Offices of The Church
- The Liturgy and other Divine Offices of The Church
- The Liturgy and other Divine Offices of The Church
- The Liturgy, and other Divine Offices of The Church
- The Lord God Reigneth
- The Lord God reigneth (8053) (Friedrich Bischoff Verlag)
- The Lord God reigneth (8053) (Friedrich Bischoff Verlag)
- The Lord is my Strength and Song (New Apostolic Church Los Angeles District Choir)
- The Lord's Watchman (Tim Grass)
- The Lord's Work (Tim Grass)
- The Lord's Work (Tim Grass)
- The Moral Phenomena of Germany (Thomas Carlyle)
- The Moral Phenomena of Germany (Thomas Carlyle)
- The New Apostolic Church (New Apostolic Church International)
- The New Apostolic Church (Africa) Hymn Collection 1 (New Apostolic Church Africa)
- The Order for the Daily Services of the Church and for administration of Sacraments.
- The Order of The Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom (Paul, Erzbischof von Karelien und ganz Finnland)
- The Original Constitution of The Church and its Restoration (Jubal Hodges)
- The Pathfinder 6/2012 (C. Flor)
- The Pathfinder 7/2012 (C. Flor)
- The pattern of initiation: sacrament and experience in the Catholic Apostolic church and its implications for modern (Paul John Roberts)
- The Preacher and the Poets: The Relationship of Edward Irving with Carlyle an Coleridge (Trevor Tucker)
- The Pulpit, No. 105 vom 21. April 1825
- The Pulpit, No. 114 vom 23. Juni 1825
- The purpose of God in creation and redemption (Francis Sitwell)
- The Sage of Albury and the Man Mushroom
- The secret story of the Oxford Movement (Desmond Morse-Boycott)
- The Seven Churches in London (Willy Beyer)
- The Story of the Lord's Work (L. A. Hewett)
- The Whare Karakia o nga Apotoro Kotahitanga - Aotearoa (United Apostolic Church)
- The years of ferment
- The Years of Ferment (R.C. Walmsley, G.L. Standring)
- The Years of Ferment (R.C. Walmsley, G.L. Standring)
- Die Theologie der Liturgischen Ordnung der Katholisch- Apostolischen Gemeinden (Frit Kabbe)
- Theologische Entwicklungen der Vereinigung Apostolischer Gemeinden (VAG) von 1956 bis heute (Volker Wissen)
- Theologische Entwicklungen der Vereinigung Apostolischer Gemeinden (VAG) von 1956 bis heute (Volker Wissen)
- There Shines a Great Light - Mixed Choir of the NAC Cape Town
- They shine like stars (Desmond Morse-Boycott)
- Thomas Carlyle Apostel für Norddeutschland
- Three discourses on certain Symbols used in Worship
- Tien jaar apostel D. Riemers 2001-2011
- Tischaufstellkalender 1990 - "Viele liebe Wünsche für ein gesegnetes neues Jahr"
- Tischaufstellkalender 1990 - "Viele liebe Wünsche für ein gesegnetes neues Jahr"
- Tischaufstellkalender 1991 - "Mit lieben Wünschen für ein gesegnetes neues Jahr"
- Tischaufstellkalender 1992 - "Ein gesegnetes Jahr 1992"
- Tischaufstellkalender 1992 - "Ein gesegnetes Jahr 1992"
- Tischaufstellkalender 1996 - "A blessed year - heureuse année - ein gesegnetes Jahr"
- Tischkalender 1985 - New Apostolic Church Cape
- Tischkalender 1990 - Neuapostolische Kirche (Neuapostolische Kirche International)
- Tischkalender 1991 NAK
- Tischkalender 1992 - Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen (Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen)
- Tischkalender 1993 - Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen (Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen)
- Tischkalender 1994 - Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen (Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen)
- Tischkalender 1995 - Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen (Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen)
- Tischkalender 1996 - Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen (Neuapostolische Kirche Niedersachsen)
- Tischkalender 2010 NAK Mitteldeutschland (Neuapostolische Kirche Mitteldeutschland)
- tödliches missgeschick? mord beim italiener! (f.u. ricardo)
- Tonbildschau Nr. 1 - Neuapostolische Kirche des Landes NRW KdöR
- Tonbildschau Nr. 2 - Neuapostolische Kirche des Landes NRW KdöR
- Das Totenreich und die Auferstehung - Ich sage euch die Wahrheit! (Apostolische Sendungskirche)
- Das tragische Erbe des J. G. Bischoff. (Rudolf J. Stiegelmeyr)
- Transzendentale Meditation
- Trauerblatt Hans Urwyler (Richard Fehr)
- Tro på livet - leve i troen. Portræt af et levende trosfællesskab. (Neuapostolische Kirche International)
- Türschild Gottesdienstzeiten ""Neuapostolische Kirche""
- Tut mir auf die schöne Pforte (2089) (Friedrich Bischoff Verlag)
- Tut mir auf die schöne Pforte (7029) (Friedrich Bischoff Verlag)
- Tweeduizend jaar apostolische veelkleurigheid (Truus Bouman-Komen)