Alexander, L.G.
K's first Case
Kinder/Jugend Buch

Sir Michael Gray is dead. He was the victim of a murder and he was very rich. Who murdered him? And why? Katrina Kirby - or "K" as she is called - is a detective and she wants to find the answers to these important questions. Was it Sir Michael's wife, Lady Elizabeth? Or was it his secretary? Or his housekeeper? Or his brother? Or his friend? One of these five people is the murderer. This is K#s first case. Can you help her find the murderer?

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Serie / Reihe: Longman Originals

Personen: Alexander, L.G. Wing, Gary

Schlagwörter: Kinderbuch Kriminalgeschichte Englisch Schullektüre


Alexander, L.G.:
K's first Case / L.G. Alexander ; Illustrations by Gary Wing. - USA : Illumination Ent., 1992. - 62 S. : überw. Ill. (farb.) - (Longman Originals; Stage 2)
ISBN 978-0-582-07496-5 ats 72,00

Zugangsnummer: 0008242001 - Barcode: 0001078701
Fremdsprachige Literatur: Englisch, Amerikanisch - Kinder/Jugend Buch