Mitchell, Stephen
The Frog Prince A Fairy Tale for Consenting Adults

In this brilliant jewel of a book, the best-selling author of Tao Te Ching: A New English Version expands and deepens the classic fairy tale in the most surprising and delightful ways, giving new emphasis to its message of the transcendent power of love.

The Frog Prince tells the story of a meditative frog's love for a rebellious princess, how she came to love him in spite of herself, and how her refusal to compromise helped him become who he truly was. This is a magical book that moves (amphibiously) from story to meditation and back, from the outrageous to the philosophical to the silly to the sublime. Profound, touching, written in prose as lively and unpredictable as a dream, The Frog Prince tickles the mind, opens the heart, and holds up a mirror to the soul.

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Personen: Mitchell, Stephen

Schlagwörter: Liebesroman Märchen


Mitchell, Stephen:
The Frog Prince : A Fairy Tale for Consenting Adults / Stephen Mitchell. - New York : Harmony Books, 1999. - 188 Seiten
ISBN 9780609605455

Zugangsnummer: 0041812001 - Barcode: 0001420289
Fremdsprachige Literatur: Englisch, Amerikanisch - Belletristik