Hofmann, Corinne
The white Masai

Corinne Hofmann falls in love with a Masai warrior while on holiday with her boyfriend in Kenya. After overcoming all sorts of obstacles, she moves into a tiny shack with him and his mother in his village, and spends four years in Kenya. Slowly but surely the dream starts to crumble until she flees back home with her baby daughter born out of the seemingly indestructible love between a white European woman and a Masai.

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Personen: Hofmann, Corinne

Schlagwörter: Lebensgeschichte Afrika Autobiografie Lebensbeschreibung Englisch


Hofmann, Corinne:
The white Masai / Corinne Hofmann. Transl. from the German by Peter Millar. - London : Arcadia Books, 2006. - 310 S. ¬Die¬ weiße Massai
ISBN 1-905147-08-2

Zugangsnummer: 0020964001 - Barcode: 0001209488
Fremdsprachige Literatur: Englisch, Amerikanisch - Belletristik