The Dhimmi
Jews and Christians under Islam
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1 Amt für katholische Religionspädagogik Frankfurt,
Personen: Ye'or, Bat
JU 8.20 - 01
Ye'or, Bat:
¬The¬ Dhimmi : Jews and Christians under Islam / Bat Ye'or ; with a preface by Jacques Ellul ; transl. from the French by David Maisel (author's text), Paul Fenton (document section) and David Littman. - 3rd print. - Rutherford / Madison / Teaneck : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1985. - 444 S., Abb.
ISBN 978-0-8386-3262-8
Judentum - Interreligiöse Beziehungen - Buch