Spotlight 1 Einfach Englisch !

Magazine contents


Names and faces from around the world

A Day in My Life
A Scot who holds the key to happiness

World View
What's news and what's hot

Britain Today
Colin Beaven on where to grow old
(Premium users can listen to this column.)

London: the perfect weekend for Spotlight readers

The psychology of presenting food

Running in Afghanistan's first marathon
I Ask Myself
Amy Argetsinger on exciting news in Canada

Green Light: Basic English
Free inside Spotlight!

"Grin", "blush" and "wink"
Practise using the present continuous

The Spotlight winter reading special has it all.

Indira Gandhi is elected India's prime minister

Around Oz
Peter Flynn on the summer heat

Does New Zealand need a new national flag?
Press Gallery
A look at the English-language media

Films, apps, books, culture and a short story

The Lighter Side
Jokes and cartoons

American Life
Ginger Kuenzel on travel companions

Feedback & Next Month
Your letters to Spotlight and what's coming next month

My Life in English
Language school founder Nina Nightingale

IN THE MAGAZINE: 14 language pages

Vocabulary Language for going ice skating

Travel Talk Entering the United States of America

Language Cards Pull out and practise

Everyday English Time to make your New Year's resolutions

The Grammar Page Must, can't, might: modals of deduction

Peggy's Place The latest from a London pub
(Meet the characters in our dialogue!)

English at Work Read Ken Taylor's expert advice on using English at work

Spoken English Talking about similarities and differences

Word Builder A focus on the words in Spotlight

Lost in Translation A fun look at interesting words

Crossword Find the words and win a prize
Download the puzzle and send us your answer online.

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Weiterführende Informationen

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch

Schlagwörter: London

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Spotlight 1 / 2016 : Einfach Englisch ! - Planegg : Spotlight Verlag, 2016. - 70 S. : zahlr. Ill. (farb.) ; 28 x 21 cm
EAN 4190135307504 Heft : 7,50 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2016/0018 - Barcode: 2-6185127-4-00012244-3
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Zeitschriftenheft