Spotlight 7 Einfach besser Englisch


In the Spotlight
News and views from around the world

Peggy's Place
Visit Spotlight's very own London pub

Britain Today
Colin Beaven on Leonardo da Vinci

A Day in My Life
A woman who preserves
the beauty of animals

Meet Nico Walker
Soldier, addict, criminal:
Nico Walker, author of the bestselling novel Cherry,
speaks to our correspondent from the prison where
he is incarcerated in the US state of Kentucky.

Meet British paintmaker Dominic Myland

Grammar Tales
A fairy tale for learners

American Life
Ginger Kuenzel on a new kind of big business

London walks:
from King's Cross to Piccadilly Circus
Haben Sie die britische Hauptstadt schon einmal zu Fuß erkundet? LORRAINE MALLINDER führt Sie auf einer vergnüglichen Tour zu London's wichtigsten Orten im Bereich Bildung und Unterhaltung.

Short Story
Ms Winslow is back - this time
with a three-part mystery:
"The Tischler inheritance"

I couldn't agree more!
Die richtigen Worte zu finden, um diplomatisch die eigene Meinung zu vertreten, ist schwierig
genug. Aber könnten Sie Ihrem Gesprächspartner auf Englisch gekonnt widersprechen?
ADRIAN DOFF präsentiert die wichtigsten Wendungen rund um Zustimmung und Widerspruch.

Around Oz
Peter Flynn on packing light

And then I said Gute Fahrt
A humorous look at adjusting to life in Germany

Press Gallery
Comment from the English-speaking world

Two films and an exhibition

I Ask Myself
Amy Argetsinger on Michael
Jackson, who died 10 years ago this

The Lighter Side
Jokes and cartoons

Feedback & Next Issue
Your letters to Spotlight and upcoming topics

My Life in English
Fashion designer and stylist Miyabi Kawai

English Explained
Chad Smith on a 1990s pop hit and verb tenses

Words to do with landscapes

The Grammar Page
Using "whatever", "what(so)ever"
and "whenever"

Language Cards
Pull out and practise

Lost in Translation
A fun look at fascinating words

Everyday English
Dialogues about enjoying a picnic in the park

The Basics
Easy English

Words that Go Together
"Jar", "tin", "can" and "tub":
the collocation game

Spoken English
Talking about accidents and
mistakes in conversational English

English at Work
Ken Taylor answers your questions

Find the words and win a prize

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Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Groß, Jan Henrik

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Spotlight 7 / 2019 : Einfach besser Englisch / Jan Henrik Groß. - Planegg : Spotlight Verlag, 2019. - 76 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 28 cm x 21 cm
EAN 4190135308501 Heft : 8,50 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2019/0406 - Barcode: 2-6185127-4-00017040-6
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Zeitschriftenheft