WORLD AND PRESS August 1 Sprachtraining - Landeskunde - Vokabelhilfen


US/UK: A relationship sounding more testy than 'special' (+ Übungsmaterial)
Opinion: Goodbye EU, and goodbye the United Kingdom (+ Übungsmaterial)
E-waste: Green tech turns into dangerous trash in East Africa
Race relations: Why desegregating public schools matters (+ Audio)
Money: American dream costs $300,000 a year (+ Audio)
History: Illuminating Lady Liberty (+ Übungsmaterial)
Community businesses: Changing the world, one pint at a time
Education: Eton pupils given lessons in how to show gratitude (+ Audio, Übungsmaterial)
Fruit farming: British strawberry crop may rot as EU pickers stay away
Technology: San Francisco bans facial-recognition software
Australia: Spelling mistake printed 46 million times
History: 400 years ago - the first African slaves arrived in the British Colony of Virginia
Mobile networks: Why 5G phones are arriving with subplot of espionage
Trade war: Wisconsin's milk farmers face extinction
History: How the Mary Rose had room for 500 men (+ Audio)
Science: 'I do it from my couch' (+ Audio, Übungsmaterial)
Canada: A model of indigenous activism
Women: India's #MeToo backlash
Animals: Hungry goats sent to prevent Californian wildfires (+ Audio)

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Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: World and Press

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

WORLD AND PRESS August 1 / 2019 : Sprachtraining - Landeskunde - Vokabelhilfen. - Bremen : Schünemann KG, 2019. - 16 Seiten : zahlr. Ill. (z.T. farb.) ; 37 x 26 cm. - (World and Press)
Zeitung : 2,50 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2019/0451 - Barcode: 2-6185127-4-00017151-9
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Zeitschriftenheft