WORLD AND PRESS March 1 Sprachtraining - Landeskunde - Vokabelhilfen


- Health: Coronavirus forces us to see we're more
connected than ever (+ Übungsmaterial)
- Politics: Patriotism needn't be negative
(+ Übungsmaterial)
- History: Germany, still struggling with its colonial
- Education: Students want climate change
lessons. Schools aren't ready (+ Audio,
- Society: No successors? For Chinese restaurant
owners, that's a success
- Ethics: 'Ethical veganism' is a philosophical belief,
British court rules (+Audio)
- Diversity: Call for more diverse Lake District sparks
row (+ Übungsmaterial)
- Military: Overweight, unfit, or shy? The British army
still wants you (+ Audio)
- Africa: Obamas and Cardi B cause a stampede
from US to Ghana
- Economy: India set to be world's fourth-biggest
- India: Fear haunts Muslims at the center of India's
violent protests
- Health care: Families pay $8,000 'poll tax' under
the U.S. health system, economists say
- New York City: Silicon Valley's newest rival
- Cities: Los Angeles plants trees to take heat off
the poor
- Music: Why British singer Yola broke through in
- Wildlife: Video shows puffin using a tool to scratch
an itch (+ Audio, Übungsmaterial)
- Science: Ford has a bright idea for headlamps
(+ Audio)
- Book world: 'How to Catch a Mole' by Marc
- Animals: The therapy sheep who came to tea

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Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: World and Press

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

WORLD AND PRESS March 1 / 2020 : Sprachtraining - Landeskunde - Vokabelhilfen. - Bremen : Schünemann KG, 2019. - 16 Seiten : zahlr. Ill. (z.T. farb.) ; 37 x 26 cm. - (World and Press)
Zeitung : 2,50 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2020/0235 - Barcode: 2-6185127-4-00019005-3
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Zeitschriftenheft