Opinion: Is this the beginning of the end for Trumpism or the Republican Party? (+ Übungsmaterial)
Australia: An old problem suddenly dominates Australia's election - 'dark money'
Music: America seeks harmony with answer to Eurovision (+ Übungsmaterial)
Oligarchs: Is the U.K. finally cracking down on dodgy Russian money? (+ Übungsmaterial)
Health: Doctors order a walk in the wilderness (+ Audio, Übungsmaterial)
Protests: Fitting Ottawa's convoy into Canada's political landscape
Employees: Johnson's Germany comparison highlights UK's low sick pay
Business: Why this could be a critical year for electric cars (+ Audio)
Film review: 'Belfast' directed by Kenneth Branagh
Housing: How the tiny home movement is providing more than just a roof to homeless people (+ Audio, Übungsmaterial)
Wildlife: After mounting a comeback, eagles face a new threat (+ Audio)
Weiterführende Informationen
Serie / Reihe: World and Press
Personen: Günther, Katrin Helmers, Melanie
Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch
WORLD AND PRESS May 1 / 2022 : Sprachtraining - Landeskunde - Vokabelhilfen - Übungsmaterial / Katrin Günther; Melanie Helmers. - Bremen : Schünemann KG, 2022. - 16 Seiten : zahlr. Ill. (z.T. farb.) ; 37 x 26 cm. - (World and Press)
ISSN 0509-1632 Zeitung : 2,50 EUR
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Zeitschriftenheft