Neubrand, Maria
Abraham - Identitätsfigur für Juden und Nichtjuden zur Rezeption Abrahams im Neuen Testament

New Testament scriptures referring to Abraham presuppose his significance for his descendants. First of all he is the father of the first-chosen people of Israel and as such identity-figure for Judaism - and also for Jewish followers of Jesus Christ. In addition, Paul argues by his re-reading of the biblical Abraham narratives in the Epistles to the Galatians and the Romans that non-Jewish followers of Christ should consider themselves as "descendants of Abraham" too, because they are justified by faith, like Abraham. Therefore, Abraham is also the "father" of non-Jewish believers. In consequence, Abraham is also identity-figure of believing non-Jews.e of the Babylonian Exile, which the Jewish writings from the Hellenistic and Roman eras utilize Abraham partly to sustain their own religious and cultural identity and partly as a beacon to their contemporary environment. Finally, the rabbinical movement integrated the figure of Abraham into their theological construct of the significance of the Torah as a way to salvation.

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Personen: Neubrand, Maria

Schlagwörter: Judentum Abraham Identität Neues Testament Identifikation Rezeption

Neubrand, Maria:
Abraham - Identitätsfigur für Juden und Nichtjuden : zur Rezeption Abrahams im Neuen Testament / Maria Neubrand, 2013. - S.32-48
Einheitssacht.: Abraham

Zugangsnummer: 2015/0445