Gennerich, Carsten
Empirische Dogmatik zum Thema Gebet eine religionspädagogische Perspektive

As an extension of the author's "Empirical Dogmatic of Adolescence", this article deals with prayer as a topic of religious education. After a short description of its intention and method, it features different forms and theological interpretations of prayer that adolescents can adopt for their self-expression in different life settings. Next, in a value structure analysis the empirical preferences of prayer among adolescent worshippers are described as a function of their individual biographic contexts. Then a hermeneutic analysis relates the aforementioned patterns of theological (self-)reflection to the empirical juvenile patterns of attitude towards prayer. The concluding educational considerations develop rich theological perspectives for discourse on prayer with adolescents.urgical year and functions as a biographical marker. A certain 'turn of the year atmosphere' shapes the experience of the service. Worshippers expect the sermon to make this ambience of autobiographic accounting explicit and offer Christian interpretations pertaining to it.n John Williamson Nevin (1803-86) und Philip Schaff (1819-93) entfachte Debatte um das Selbstverständnis der deutsch-reformierten Kirche.

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Personen: Gennerich, Carsten

Schlagwörter: Gebet Gottesvorstellung Religiöse Erziehung Jugendlicher Wertorientierung

Gennerich, Carsten:
Empirische Dogmatik zum Thema Gebet : eine religionspädagogische Perspektive / Carsten Gennerich, 2013. - S.17-36 : graph. Darst.
Einheitssacht.: Theologie und Lebenspraxis

Zugangsnummer: 2015/0265