During his imprisonment, Bonhoeffer came back to the human quest for autonomy in a positive way without neglecting the fact that modern autonomy is always reliant on content-commitments. As finite creatures, human beings cannot account for their own conditions of existence. Bonhoeffer thus integrates the human desire for freedom into his discourse of God: he is consistent in emphasizing the primacy of grace, because humans are dependent on God's justification. But Bonhoeffer does not ignore that this is an intersubjective event, as God respects human freedom even in the act of justification. Simultaneously it becomes evident that this event of justification gives rise to a responsibility for the world which is expressed in responsible action.
Personen: Schulte, Tobias
Schulte, Tobias:
"Erlöst ist, wer an Christus glaubt" : Rechtfertigung und Erlösung in der späten Theologie Dietrich Bonhoeffers / Tobias Schulte, 2014. - S.273-291