Hörsting, Ansgar
Reformbemühungen im Bund Freier evangelischer Gemeinden Beobachtungen aus der Praxis eines freikirchlichen Gemeindebundes

The Federation of Free Evangelical Churches (Bund Freier evangelischer Gemeinden) has been constantly growing for years. The community is undergoing permanent changes due to its congregational constitution and steadily increasing membership. This report about the practice of a federation of free churches illustrates that the Federation of Free Evangelical Churches as a spiritual community of autonomous local parishes offers good conditions to allow existing needs for change and to shape transformation processes jointly. Reform measures may equally be initiated by the single parishes and the federal management. They may unfold in cooperative and consentient processes on the federal level without affecting the autonomy of local parishes. In order to illustrate this observation, the article features some objectives and present reform measures of the Federation of Free Evangelical Churches.ion. deal with the relation of health and healing.mon to make this ambience of autobiographic accounting explicit and offer Christian interpretations pertaining to it.n John Williamson Nevin (1803-86) und Philip Schaff (1819-93) entfachte Debatte um das Selbstverständnis der deutsch-reformierten Kirche.

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Personen: Hörsting, Ansgar

Schlagwörter: Reform Freikirche Selbstverständnis Bund Freier Evangelischer Gemeinden in Deutschland

Hörsting, Ansgar:
Reformbemühungen im Bund Freier evangelischer Gemeinden : Beobachtungen aus der Praxis eines freikirchlichen Gemeindebundes / Ansgar Hörsting, 2013. - S.125-133
Einheitssacht.: Kirchenreformen im Vergleich

Zugangsnummer: 2015/0379