Dragutinovic, Predrag
Weisheit und Liebe bei Paulus Versuch einer textpragmatischen Analyse des 1. Korintherbriefes

This article advances a fresh explanation for the missing definition and uneven distribution of the concept of wisdom in First Corinthians. Although Paul writes a lot about wisdom in 1 Cor 1-3, he never provides any definition of this term. On the other hand a close interplay between certain concepts - such as wisdom, gnosis, pneuma, immaturity, perfection, love - is discernible in 1 Cor. From a text-pragmatic perspective it is argued that the use of the concept of wisdom is closely related to the topic of the partisan conflicts within the Corinthian community. Particularly 1 Cor 1-3 reveals that immaturity and quarrels are closely connected. The term 'immature' reappears within Paul's hymn on love (1 Cor 13) in relation to the conflicts which can be overcome in love. From the perspective of textual pragmatics, the statements about wisdom serve the purpose of strengthening the congregation. deal with the relation of health and healing.mon to make this ambience of autobiographic accounting explicit and offer Christian interpretations pertaining to it.n John Williamson Nevin (1803-86) und Philip Schaff (1819-93) entfachte Debatte um das Selbstverständnis der deutsch-reformierten Kirche.

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Personen: Dragutinovic, Predrag

Schlagwörter: Paulus Liebe Weisheit Exegese 1 Kor 1-3

Dragutinovic, Predrag:
Weisheit und Liebe bei Paulus : Versuch einer textpragmatischen Analyse des 1. Korintherbriefes / Predrag Dragutinovic, 2013. - S.51-65
Einheitssacht.: Theologie und Lebenspraxis

Zugangsnummer: 2015/0267