Hunziker, Stefan
Research Design in Business and Management A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers

This textbook on research designs provides undergraduate and graduate students with detailed guidance to tackle their research projects. It has been recommended and developed for university courses in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The authors offer students relevant research designs in business and management. They show how to overcome the common qualitative and quantitative methods divide. For this purpose, the textbook focuses on the scientific problem-solving process. It emphasizes the importance of an appropriate research design to produce intellectual contributions. The authors describe the most relevant research designs in business and management research. They assess each research design about its suitability to answer specific research questions. The textbook also covers academic writing and provides valuable tips about the whole research process. It not only serves students as a resource to conduct their research projects. Moreover, it is also a helpful reference throughout the entire academic career.

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Personen: Hunziker, Stefan Blankenagel, Michael

Schlagwörter: wissenschaftliches Schreiben Empirische Forschung Mixed Methods Forschungsdesign

AK 39540 H956-01 (2)

Hunziker, Stefan [Verfasser]:
Research Design in Business and Management : A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers / by Stefan Hunziker, Michael Blankenagel. - Second Edition. - Wiesbaden : Springer Gabler, 2024. - XIV, 251 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-658-42738-2

Zugangsnummer: 2024/0052 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00018126-6
Wissenschaftskunde und Wissenschaftsorganisation, Museumswesen - Buch