Evans, Tony
Experience the Power of God's Names A Life-giving Devotional

Let the Power of God's Names Transform Your Daily Life The many names of God reveal His characteristics and contain powerful promises to you as a believer. Each of these 85 devotions introduces you to one of God's unique names and includes a key Scripture, practical application, and encouragement to help you in your everyday life. Discover the rich blessings waiting for you when you encounter God as... Elohim - the Strong Creator God You put the universe together with Your words-thank You for knowing how to put my life together as well. Jehovah - the Relational God You rule over all, and yet You also seek a relationship with Your creation. You are worthy of all praise and worship. Adonai - Master Over All Thank You for being my Lord and my Master and yet allowing me to know You intimately. ...and many more! This beautifully designed devotional makes an ideal gift or a great addition to your own quiet time with God.

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Personen: Evans, Tony

Evans, Tony:
Experience the Power of God's Names : A Life-giving Devotional : Harvest House Pub, 2017. - 176 S.
ISBN 9780736971508

Zugangsnummer: EM-580130195