Brookhouser, Kevin
Teaching Future-Ready Students

Preparing students for the careers of tomorrow means teaching them how to teach themselves, and getting them ready to adapt to an ever-changing world. How will you make sure your students are future ready? Kevin Brookhouser explores the three literacies students need to master for tomorrow''s jobs-business skills, video production, and coding-and provides practical ways to help students prepare to be successful in future careers by engaging their current aspirations. Kevin will help you incorporate creative problem solving, entrepreneurial projects, storytelling through video, and practical coding activities into your classroom. Watch and learn how to modify lesson plans for diverse learning needs, and explore the 21st century skills students need to be adaptable to an unforeseen future.

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Personen: Brookhouser, Kevin

Brookhouser, Kevin:
Teaching Future-Ready Students : LinkedIn, 2016. - 03:09:10.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505318761