Rendell, Ruth
A sight for sore eyes
Schöne Literatur, Roman

eddy was born in squalor. Now he is a craftsman determined to banish ugliness from his life. Harriet is a beautiful, bored trophy wife who employs a series of repairmen for Hher sexual satisfaction. And Francine is a college student who witnessed her mother's murder and now must free herself from her father's manipulative second wife. Connected by strands of chance, their lives intersecting in the strangest of ways, these three people are on a journey that will bring them to each other--and to a beautiful ivy-covered home with at least one dead body in the basement....

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Personen: Rendell, Ruth

Standort: Hauptstelle

Interessenkreis: Krimi Englisch


Rendell, Ruth:
A sight for sore eyes / Ruth Rendell. - London : Arrow Books, 1999. - 417 S.
ISBN 978-0-09-927145-1

Zugangsnummer: 0004613001 - Barcode: 00407339
Zo - Schöne Literatur, Roman