An intricate plot woven through the lives of three young people, "Between Friends" tells the story of two young women who try to make a living from a small hair salon. Queenie, the bubbly extrovert, dreams of love and "happily ever after" with Desmond, while Kiito needs to provide financially for her sick father and younger siblings in the rural parts of Namibia. Realizing the financial predicament of the two women, Desmond exploits the situation. He manipulates Queenie into having unprotected sex with him and offers financial assistance to Kiito, after which he coerces her into having casual sex with him. Queenie finds out about this, and now the question is: will the friendship of these two young women withstand the betrayal of their trust? Is Desmond able to play them off against each other and get away with it? "Between Friends" deals with the age-old question of trust and friendship amongst women, in the current era of risk to contracting HIV. The production of the documentary is by Home Brewed Productions, for Positive Support Services.
Serie / Reihe: Namibian Movie Collection
Personen: Hangula, Vickson
DVD 133
Hangula, Vickson:
Between Friends / Vickson Hangula : Africavenir, 2008. - 24 min. - (Namibian Movie Collection)
Best.-Nr.: 0006604001
Film (DVD)