Witts, Virginia
Flight to heaven
Film (DVD)

Although many consider the vulture one of the ugliest birds in nature, it heals the environment through its role als cleaner of the veldt, and also brings about a sense of peace and serenity to the souls of individuals like Maria Dieckmann, whose burial wishes differ greatly from the norm. This the heavens by vulture after death- as practiced in many cultures throughout the ages, and scrutinizes its place in ä modern society.

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Serie / Reihe: Namibian Movie Collection

Personen: Witts, Virginia


DVD 115

Witts, Virginia:
Flight to heaven / Virginia Witts : Joe-Vision Production, 2008. - (Namibian Movie Collection)
Best.-Nr.: 0006589001

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1620 - Barcode: 00014014
Film (DVD)