Hangula, Vickson
My better sweet life with HIV
Film (DVD)

At the tender age of 17 Livey Van Wyk Samaria, a young Namibian girl is pregnant and HIV positive. Life has dealt this young individual a shocking blow. Is this fair? Has her world come to an end?

The story takes the viewer through an emotional and dramatic journey of a remarkable human being who recovers from this early set back in her life. Against all odds she fights back showing signs of human resilience, willpower, determination, bravery and above all the goodness of humanity as she gives HIV/AIDS a human face.

"My Bittersweet Life With HIV" is a 21 minutes long piece driven by a commentary by Livey Van Wyk Samaria and shows the present day and life of Livey. The documentary follows her in her private environment as she lives positively as well as her life as a motivational HIV/AIDS speaker and the impact that her story and book has made on communities.

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Serie / Reihe: Namibian Movie Collection

Personen: Hangula, Vickson


DVD 132

Hangula, Vickson:
My better sweet life with HIV / Vickson Hangula : Africavenir, 2008. - 21 min. - (Namibian Movie Collection)
Best.-Nr.: 0006598001

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1629 - Barcode: 00014151
Film (DVD)