Huebschle, Tim
Short Flms
Film (DVD)

In a funny but serious tale, the Reiter's journey takes him through a changed world, as he stumbles upon the 18th Independence Day celebrations in the nation's capital. The Reiter finds himself confronted by a modern reality. He has to deal with mixed race couples, rude taxi drivers, obnoxious prostitutes and drag queens and finally black men in uniforms. All the Reiter longs for is something familiar. And this will lead to his entanglement in a Herero protest march against the signing of a Namibian-German development treaty at the Alte Feste. His experiences of today's social and political realities make him question what he really stands for. With a simple gesture the Reiter manages to turn around the meaning of the monument - making a positive statement for Namibia's future!

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Serie / Reihe: Namibian Movie Collection

Personen: Huebschle, Tim


DVD 163

Huebschle, Tim:
Short Flms / Tim Huebschle : Africavenir, 2006/2009. - 26 min. - (Namibian Movie Collection)
Best.-Nr.: 0006725001

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1736 - Barcode: 00015721
Film (DVD)