Nangolo, Hidipo
Film (DVD)

Witnesses and accomplices recall the glorious days of Township Jazz in Namibia's shanty town. J. A. Mureko formed the first known band and influenced a whole generation of musicians. His myth is revealed in tales still echoing in a generation of musical instrument players, citing him as their teacher. Music was all that was left in the midst of the harsh realities of segregation. Township jazz subculture disappeared by 1975. Filmmaker Hidipo Nangolo retraces the legends of township jazz, reuniting six musicians after 35 years.The documentary "Skymaster" and the two soundtrack albums "Dakotas" and "Benguela Breeze" by the Original Jazz Masters are part of an audio-visual research and script development project to produce the feature film "Skymaster". Any interested partners or donor should contact Nghidipo Nangolo.

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Serie / Reihe: Namibian Movie Collection

Personen: Nangolo, Hidipo


DVD 142

Nangolo, Hidipo:
Skymaster / Hidipo Nangolo : Africavenir, 2008. - 56 min. - (Namibian Movie Collection)
Best.-Nr.: 0006596001

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1627 - Barcode: 00014311
Film (DVD)