Botelle, Andrew
The power stone
Film (DVD)

This true story follows the journey of a sacred stone belonging to the Kwanyama people of northern Namibia and southern Angola. Passed down from generation to generation, this sacred power stone has remained at the center of the Kwanyana Kingdom, until the last Kwanyama king, Mandume, was killed in 1917. After the king's death, the stone disappeared. This documentary takes us on a quest to find the power stone. Part One: "When We Were Kings" traces the stone's migration through precolonial Africa and witnesses the rise and fall of the Kwanyama kingdom. Part Two: "Africa Gets Light and Security" examines the effects of colonialism on the kingdom and follows the stone's secret journey to Europe during the war against apartheid until its remarkable return home after Namibia's independence in 1990. Experience the history of this African kingdom as told by Kyanyma storytellers, musicians, poets and artists, and travel back in time to follow the incredible journey of their kingdom's power stone.

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Serie / Reihe: Namibian Movie Collection

Personen: Botelle, Andrew


DVD 143

Botelle, Andrew:
¬The¬ power stone / Andrew Botelle : Africavenir, 1999. - 53 min. - (Namibian Movie Collection)
Best.-Nr.: 0006607001

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1638 - Barcode: 00014328
Film (DVD)