Viall, Dudley
Whispers in the wind
Film (DVD)

Whispers in the Wind is a film about a Namibian family who experience serious and subtle forms of domestic violence. The step-father, a long-distance truck driver subjects his wife and two children to many different forms of domestic violence. The film ties the theme of domestic violence to the issues of child abuse and HIV/AIDS. A young girl is raped by her promiscuous step-father. She becomes pregnant and discovers that she is HIV positive. Her mother has also been infected. A strong dramatic element is included as the film reveals the fact that the step-father is the culprit only in the closing moments. The responsibility of the churches to speak out about HIV is a powerful strong sub-theme in the film. One scene shows how difficult it can be for women to negotiate condom use in a context of violence, while other scenes portray more subtle forms of child abuse - such as belittling children, neglecting children, and favouring male children over female children in the allocation of food. The film this portrays a spectrum of child abuse from widespread forms of maltreatment to extremely serious abuse in the form of rape.

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Serie / Reihe: Namibian Movie Collection

Personen: Viall, Dudley


DVD 134

Viall, Dudley:
Whispers in the wind / Dudley Viall : Africavenir, 2002. - 75 min. - (Namibian Movie Collection)
Best.-Nr.: 0006602001

Zugangsnummer: 0000/1633 - Barcode: 00014175
Film (DVD)