Salter, James
All that is a novel

By starting the life story of Phillip Bowman in the last days of World War II, Salter sets the tone for the rest of this remarkable book. "The outcome of great battles could hinge on resolve," he writes, and Bowman is all about resolve. But beneath the deceptively straightforward coming-of-age and growing-old narrative--boy meets girl, loses girl; meets, loses; meets, loses--lurks the deeply personal story of what it meant to be a 20th century man. Bowman is the archetype of the flawed, ambitious, lust-filled American male. He's Don Draper. He's Rabbit Angstrom. He's your dad. He's my dad. (Also named Phil; also from New Jersey.) What's truly astounding here is the writing, from a master who happens to be an octogenarian. Salter crafts beautiful sentences. He creates characters, lives, entire worlds in just a page or two. He's also capable of some blushingly evocative sex scenes--again, impressive for a man approaching 90. Profound and lush, this is a book to savor. It's the sweeping story of a complicated, error-filled, fully wrung-out life. A guy's life. A good life.

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Personen: Salter, James

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englische Bücher

Schlagwörter: Novelle

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig Amerikanische Literatur

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Salter, James:
All that is a novel / James Salter. - 1. Aufl. - New York : Random House, 2014. - 350 S.
ISBN 978-1-4000-7842-4 : 13,65

Zugangsnummer: 2014/0155 - Barcode: 2-3111070-7-00008077-4
Romane, Erzählungen, Dramen, Lyrik, Sammlungen - Buch