Guinness World Records. Gamer's Edition (Englisch) The ultimate guide to gaming records

From the global authority in record-breaking comes the 11th edition of the world's best-selling videogames annual. Packed with the latest records, coolest stars and the biggest games, the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition is the go-to bible for every gaming fan. Just ask the five million readers who've made it an international sensation! I

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Serie / Reihe: Guinness World Records 11

Interessenkreis: Internet Computer ab 7


Guinness World Records. Gamer's Edition (Englisch) : The ultimate guide to gaming records / Guinness World Records Limited (Hrsg.) : Guinness World Records Limited, 2017. - S. 213. - (Guinness World Records; 11)
ISBN 978-1-910561-73-7 Brosch. : EUR 11,45

Zugangsnummer: 0012791001 - Barcode: 01122572
Aax - Sachbuch