Finch, Meredith
Wonder Woman - War-Tom

The new God of War, Diana of Themyscira finds that conflict follows her wherever she goes. As Wonder Woman, she must help the Justice League to stop a mysterious evil that's claiming countless innocent victims. As Queen of the Amazons, she's attempting to bring her sisters into a new era, allowing men to live on Paradise Island for the first time.

But this divided loyalty and break with tradition is inciting unrest among the Amazons. When a new challenger to the throne arises-one with a familiar face-will Diana be Queen enough to defeat her?

Altersempfehlung: ab 14 Jahren.

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Medium erhältlich in:
2 Owinger Bücherei - Haigerlocher Mediothek, Haigerloch-Stetten

Personen: Finch, Meredith

Schlagwörter: Graphic Novel

Interessenkreis: Comic Englisch


Finch, Meredith:
Wonder Woman - War-Tom / Meredith Finch : DC Comics, 2016. - 176 Seiten
ISBN 978-1-4012-6163-4 Broschur : EUR 12,99

Zugangsnummer: 2022/0109 - Barcode: 2-1140360-7-00031980-5
Jugendmedien (ab 12 Jahre) - Comic