While the man called Nikolas continues his violent murder spree, Maria comes to Peter's rescue in Sicily. New clues found by Don Luigi require Peter and Maria to break into the sealed papal apartment. There they find a mysterious relic, which is later stolen by Peter's colleague, Loretta. When Peter goes to confront Loretta in her hotel, he is met by a shocking sight. APOCALYPSIS is a serial novel in thirteen episodes designed and developed for digital devices: as an app, an e-book and for audio download. APOCALYPSIS is published in weekly installments.Mario Giordano, geboren 1963 in München, studierte Psychologie in Düsseldorf, schreibt Romane, Jugendbücher und Drehbücher (u.a. Tatort, Schimanski, Polizeiruf 110, Das Experiment). Er lebt in Köln. Sprecher: Birdseye, Drew
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Personen: Giordano, Mario
Standort: Onleihe
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Giordano, Mario:
Apocalypsis : Episode 2 - Ancient : Bastei Lübbe, 2012. - 70 Min.
EAN 4049324950413
Medium der Onleihe www.onleihe.de/schwalbe - eMedium