Streeter, Loreto Binvignat
Fashion Illustration Step by Step

Fashion Illustration demonstrates how the perception of a garment can change depending on its representation. Many examples of garments are portrayed developing each step - by - step and showing four alternative styles of illustration. Two talented young fashion artists, Loreto Binvignat Streeter and Chidy Wayne, drew the illustrations accompanying each with useful tips, information and advice. This is an invaluable guide to anyone interested in Fashion and in particular to anyone starting out in the world of fashion illustration.

Dieses Medium ist verfügbar.

Personen: Streeter, Loreto Binvignat Wayne, Chidy

Schlagwörter: Fashion Modedesign

Rqn 51 STR

Streeter, Loreto Binvignat:
Fashion Illustration : Step by Step / Loreto Binvignat Streeter ; Chidy Wayne : Frechmann Kolon, 2010. - 255 S.
ISBN 978-84-96805-33-0

Zugangsnummer: 0011621001 - Barcode: 2-0000000-8-00742614-8
Rqn 51 - Sachbuch