Literature great writers ; how books are published ; the classic novels guide ; writing for teenagers ; books on the screen ; the future of literature

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Serie / Reihe: Phoenix Dossiers

Schlagwörter: Literatur Text

Interessenkreis: Englisch

Ofk 62 LIT

Literature : great writers ; how books are published ; the classic novels guide ; writing for teenagers ; books on the screen ; the future of literature. - Frankfurt am Main : Diesterweg [u.a.], 1996. - 32 S. : zahlr. Ill. (farb.). - (Phoenix Dossiers)
ISBN 978-3-425-71811-8

Zugangsnummer: 0001256001 - Barcode: 2-0000000-8-00730453-8
Ofk 62 - Sachbuch