Hibbert, Talia
Take a Hint, Dani Brown

Danika Brown knows what she wants: professional success, academic renown and an occasional roll in the hay to relive all that career-driven tension. But romance? Been there, done that, burned the T-shirt. So Dani asks the universe for the perfect friend-with-benefits...
When brooding security guard Zafir Ansari rescues her from a workplace fire drill gone wrong, it's an obvious sign: PhD student Dani and ex-rugby player Zaf are destined to sleep together. But before she can explain that fact, a video of the heroic rescue goes viral. Now half the internet is shipping #DrRugbae - and Zaf is begging Dani to play along. Dani's plan is simple: fake a relationship in public, seduce Zaf behind the scenes. But grumpy Zaf is secretly a romantic - and he's determined to corrupt Dani's stone-cold realism. With every fake date and midnight meeting, Dani's easy lay becomes more complex than her thesis. Has her wish backfired? Or is the universe waiting for her to take a hint?

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Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: Brown Sisters 2

Personen: Hibbert, Talia

Schlagwörter: Love English

Interessenkreis: Englisch

Hibbert, Talia:
Take a Hint, Dani Brown / Talia Hibbert. - New York : Piatkus, 2020. - 386 S. - (Brown Sisters; 2)
ISBN 978-0-349-42522-1 kartoniert : EUR 9,49

Zugangsnummer: 2024/0151 - Barcode: 000300084540
Schöne Literatur - Signatur: HIBB - Buch