Financial empowerment for poor people and poor communities in South America, North America and Europe
proceedings of an international conference at the Evangelische Akademie Loccum, February 5 - 8, 1993
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Serie / Reihe: Loccumer Protokolle
Personen: Mayer, Jörg (Hrsg.)
Financial empowerment for poor people and poor communities in South America, North America and Europe : proceedings of an international conference at the Evangelische Akademie Loccum, February 5 - 8, 1993 / ed.: Jörg Mayer. - Rehburg-Loccum : Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 1993. - 385 S. - (Loccumer Protokolle; 1993,04). -
ISBN 3-8172-0493-0
Wirtschaft - Buch