Graham, Barbara
Promoting fashion

The marketing and promotion of fashion is entering a fast-moving and challenging phase. This book shows how to appeal to the consumer and communicate the brand message. Advertising campaigns, both offline and online, are discussed, together with the existing and new methods of PR and promotion. Individual chapters then look at social media, e-commerce and online fashion retail, personal selling and offline fashion retail, direct marketing, fashion shows and sales promotions, plus costing a campaign. These are supported by case studies and interviews with leading professionals.

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Personen: Graham, Barbara Anouti, Caline

Standort: BSP Drontheimer

Schlagwörter: Marketing Vermarktung Kleidung Mode

LH 79066 G738

Graham, Barbara [Verfasser]:
Promoting fashion / Barbara Graham ; Caline Anouti. - 1. Auflage. - London : Laurence King Publishing, 2018. - 224 Seiten : Illustrationen
ISBN 978-1-78627-215-7 kartoniert : EUR 30,00

Zugangsnummer: 00011291 - Barcode: 2-9394144-8-00012361-7
Kunstgeschichte, Dias-Sammlungen, Kunstpostkarten-Sammlungen - Buch