McAllister, Angela
The King Who Sneezed

High up in the Draftgy Mountains, stingy King Parsimjonious is too cheap to buy firewood for his crumbling old castle. It's no wonder that his daily dinner of green alphabetti spaghetti always arrives as cold as the chees and onion milkshake he drinks with it. But one day a draft blows in that even the Royal Hot Water Bottle can't keep out. All the King's Men have the Official Afternoon Off, so Parsimonious himself goes stumbling about in search of the draft that has him sneezing icicles all over the Royal Nose. There are more chils - and spills- than the King is counting on in Angela McAllister's wacky fable, illustrated with merry majesty by Simon Henwood.

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Personen: McAllister, Angela

1 englisch

McAllister, Angela:
¬The¬ King Who Sneezed / Angela McAllister. - 1. Aufl. - New York : Morrow Junior Books, 1988. - 32 S. - Englische Ausgabe
fest geb.

Zugangsnummer: 0002482001 - Barcode: 00206600
1 - Kinder-/Jugendlit.