Apostolat Militaire International [Rome/Italy 2017] "Searching for Roots". Let us find the "Ten Commandments", guidelines for soldiers, working for peace at home, or on missions abroad, by researching the roots of our believe and faith

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Personen: Sinn, Norbert Swinkels - van de Vorst, Nelleke

Schlagwörter: Theologische Ethik Soldat Glaube Katholische Kirche AMI Apostolat Militaire International Laienapostolat

CI Apost

Apostolat Militaire International [Rome/Italy 2017] : "Searching for Roots". Let us find the "Ten Commandments", guidelines for soldiers, working for peace at home, or on missions abroad, by researching the roots of our believe and faith / Norbert Sinn; Nelleke Swinkels - van de Vorst. - Wien : Apostolat Militaire International, MajGen (ret) Norbert Sinn, 2018. - 144 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-902761-40-8 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 00011099 - Barcode: 2-2114240-4-00011261-1
Militärseelsorge international bzw. allgemein - Bücher