Kunz, George Frederick
The curious lore of precious stones Being a description of their sentiments and folk lore, superstitions, symbolism, mysticism, use in medicine, protection, prevention, religion and divination, crystal gazing, birthstones, lucky stones and talismans, astra

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Personen: Kunz, George Frederick

Standort: MSH WHG

Schlagwörter: Gemmologie Mineralogie

PY Kunz

Kunz, George Frederick:
¬The¬ curious lore of precious stones : Being a description of their sentiments and folk lore, superstitions, symbolism, mysticism, use in medicine, protection, prevention, religion and divination, crystal gazing, birthstones, lucky stones and talismans, astra / by George Frederick Kunz. - New York : Dover Publications, 1971. - xiv, 406 Seiten : Illustrationen. - Unabridged republication of the 1913 Philadelphia edition (J. B. Lippincott Company)
ISBN 978-0-486-22227-1 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 00015366 - Barcode: 2-2114240-4-00015621-9
Physik, Chemie, Kosmologie, Technik - Bücher